Progress Report

One-handed typing is much more of a hassle than I imagined it would be. With both hands I’m a pretty fast and accurate typer, but with just one hand I feel like I’m back to grade school hunt-and-peck… Much slower, and a lot sloppier. My postings will probably be rather short during this period.

Using the mouse with my left hand is also a bit of a hassle, but not as bad as I feared. I haven’t tried any AutoCAD stuff, though, so things might get interesting when I return to the office (most likely Wednesday).

So far the Vicodin is doing a decent job of keeping the pain under control with a minimum of side effects, but even with the Vicodin there’s always sort of a dull, general pain. And with my arm in a sling all day and night, my elbow and hand often get rather stiff and painful. This is going to be a long six weeks.

My dad came up from NC for my surgery, and it’s his first visit to NYC since the mid-1960’s. I managed to take him around to some of the highlights of the city, which he enjoyed. On his last visit to New York in the 60’s he was rather disgusted with the city and swore he’d never come back, but he seems to have gotten a much better impression of the city this time around. He heads back to North Carolina tomorrow morning.

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